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We would like to thank our families and friends for all of their support and contributions, to our work and to our lives. We would like to thank our cast, crew, and creative team for their endless efforts in bringing this show to life; everything is better because you are here. Finally, thank-you to our audience, for without you, there would be no show.


​We would especially like to thank: Jennifer Stewart for providing such a beautiful vision for our show, Aaron Eyre for colouring our music with his talent, Alice Ferreyra for running our ship, and Gabriella Okuda and Seanna Kennedy for their stunning images and design. 


Thank you to Larry Silverberg, who has, and always will be, a pillar of Canadian Theatre.


Thank you to the Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council for giving us the moral and financial boost we so dearly needed in the early stages of our development.



We acknowledge that the land we are situated on is not ours to own, but ours to share. Together as indigenous, immigrant, and refugee brothers and sisters, we are tasked with taking care of this land, and of each other. Let us aim to use this space to create art for a better future, and promote inclusion and reconciliation for all those who call this place their home.

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